Ordinary Heroes is a podcast hosted by Bob Miller and Julie Jabiro that speaks to ordinary people who have done extraordinary things.
With the world full of protests, division and general angst...
No politics here! just a positive vibe, inspiring stories of hope and triumph with an overall feel good energy to brighten your day
and restore your faith humanity.
We record the podcast biweekly on Tuesday mornings.
You can find us on Cave Radio or download the Cave Radio app.
You can also find us on the Clubhouse app for live weekly versions of the podcast. Come join the club! You will get notified of scheduled events coming up.
We hope you can listen to our podcast of hope, truth and spotlighting those who have made a positive difference in our world!
Bob Miller "Coach"
Click my picture to email me
Julie Jabiro
Julie helps crazy busy moms embrace the suck by providing the right mindset, money tips and life hacks on social media. She is a mom of 2 young boys and also runs her CBD business from home. She is passionate about educating people on the healing powers of the hemp plant, especially moms because I've never met one that wouldn't benefit from it.
Click my picture to email me
Meet The Team
Would you like to be a sponsor or the podcast? You can give us your script or we can just mention the business. Click the Sponsor button for more information.